Friday 18 July 2008

The problem with this country is....

That it is filled with people who write books about how to avoid paying property tax ...

And the people who buy these books and then write raving reviews on about their dishonest dealings...

its about time the gutter press (Daily Mail) stopped attacking people on low incomes who get small amounts of social security. And yet we always hear from chorus of middle class Twats whaling about how it's the people in the middle who PAYE for everyone else! Best not mention the tax breaks, free education and wonderful National Health Service the (old) middle classes of England have benefited from over the last 60 years! And still they do not like paying for these state subsidised services (anyone for some cake?)

Rearrange this phrase into a logical order...

troft! your snouts Pigs get out of the

As the following reviewer likes to articulate about her purchase of... "how to avoid property tax?"

This book really has been indispensable for us over the last few months. My husband and I made the decision last year to buy several properties, with the hope that eventually these would provide a good income when we retire. After seeking some advice we went ahead but neither of us knew much about the tax side of things.
How to Avoid Property Tax has helped us out on so many different matters, and must have saved us a fortune already in consultancy fees and tax. Particularly useful, I found, was the large amount of information explaining all the expenses we can claim against our tax - the list is huge.

Thankfully we have now got all our affairs under control, and running smoothly. We are considering venturing into commercial property to a limited extent, and again this book has proven hugely helpful.

It really does come very highly recommended, due to the wide range of tax issues covered and the high level of detail the author has crammed into each chapter. It is very well written and easy to understand - which is always good for people like me who have no prior experience in these matters!

Many Thanks

They have no honor…

Tuesday 6 May 2008

politics aside and back to nature...

Thinking about the sea a lot lately, so i decided to write a poem, ahem...

The Seas-End

Ripped ruined and rexed the sea was a red eyed wreck roaring in its floundering debt it split up over the trenches knelt bent and gushed up against their dent sending crushed cement straight though the many vents leaving thunder shunts to howl in carved out giant spheres deep within the sea cavity walls. The red eyed wreak breathed in again to gather in its Kraken sized nets for another pointless upward assent. Hundred mile high long waves darker than the unborn son of Gun lashing up coiled out claws with pincers shifting on grips moving along the hundred-mile high sea wall rotating tiny white razor nips far high above and over the distant falling and finally declining line of the utterly disappearing and submerged seashore no more.

Monday 5 May 2008

Still time to turn again ken?

After a Few hundred years of gaining the vote it would seem that we are still being ruled by the same old Etonians, they do have a remarkable ability to stay in power? I thought the well-read people of London town might be clued up enough, but no, it seems that many are suckers for a little bit of media showmanship over the most genuinely good Politico this country has ever produced, Ken Livingstone. Well, London might have a heavy toll to pay yet? I hope not.

This one goes out to Boris and the evening standard (once a Tory always a Tory)

Wednesday 19 March 2008

One law for the Rich and One law for the Poor

Following on from reading an interesting article in this weeks excellent Schnews about fox hunting in the UK after the 2004 ban, I decided to do a bit of investigating into the subject matter myself; after all, could it be true that the respectable Lords and Ladies of the hunt are flouting the rule of law? I expected that I would have to delve deep into the electronic resources of the internet to uncover the incandescent truth. Imagine my surprise however when looking at the homepage of the main UK pro-hunt website and the appearance of a web-link to the following letter found in the Independent Newspaper…by Henry Master of the foxhounds, west country…

During the autumn, we pretend we're on hound exercise; now the season's begun properly, we say it's drag hunting. But that's total rubbish. It's business as usual. We are killing almost as many foxes as ever.

I would say we are now bagging 25 brace in a season, all of them illegally. Someone always carries a duster and some oil in their pocket, so we say we're drag hunting but I haven't actually laid a trail for more than a year. Before the ban came in, we'd kill 35 foxes in a season. Now it's slightly less. The reason is we are no longer digging foxes that have gone on the high moor, which is owned by the Duchy of Cornwall. We don't want to embarrass them.

Among the other hunts, a small minority are behaving themselves, particularly those who use National Trust or Forestry Commission land, and can't afford to lose their licences to go there. The other 95 per cent are breaking the law big time. In fact, everybody is getting a bit reckless, and I wouldn't be surprised if people start getting caught.

Recently, the police had a quiet word, saying basically be careful and we'll leave you alone. The only time they'll really crack down is if there's trouble with 'antis' and someone gets thumped. Public order, rather than fox welfare, is their main concern.

Business as usual? jolly good Henry! Perhaps I should start breaking a few laws? Somehow I don’t think the arresting officer would be sympathetic towards me; since they do have an invested interest in keeping the lower economic classes firmly under the rule of law.

Can you spot the terrorist?

Thursday 21 February 2008

The Thuggish Gangs of Home Counties Commuters

The middle classes have been harassing me on public transport again! Its ironic, the crack smoking kids on the Medway valley line never give me any hassle! But if I get on a train pointing towards London, Monday to Friday office hours, then I am guaranteed to get my feathers ruffled by middle class thug in a suit.

This particular “Twat” had the jimmy cheek to tell me to remove my “dirty” DM vegetarian boots off the seat! To which I replied “No” and “my boots are clean thank you very much”. Gobsmacked that someone should put him back in his cage! The delusional monkey stopped making the ape sounds and then grassed me up to the conductor (quickly retreating back behind his Times Newspaper). They have absolutely no honour.

Of course, a reasonable person might point out that someone else has to sit on the train seat; does a reasonable person also believe that the average commuter is capable of performing an unselfish act? No! What riled this particular "Freak" was an evangelical belief in his own upwardly mobile position in society, he was snob. What is it with these “professional” middle class people and their incessant need to impose themselves upon innocent members of the public? I could never imagine a working class person outwardly telling me how to behave in a public space. It would be considered extremely rude.

Friday 1 February 2008

14,979,243 + 1 UK donor's

I Became a donor today...a bit of strange experience to think that my bodily organs might end up in another person one day; I always took it for granted that these limbs of mine would always be mine and of course the little wiggly worms in my grave; but this might not be the case anymore? I hope my hands are transplanted to a sexy lesbian super model; although knowing my unfortunate luck! I will most probably get half by brain transplanted into a lobotomised Tory.

It is a very un-ceremonial experience becoming an online donor; simply type in your name, address and just one tiny click of the mouse and you are whisked away to a “Thank You for becoming a donor webpage” with a picture of a leering Gary Liniker; Talk about an anticlimax to my altruistic deed for the day! Despite this, becoming a donor is actually very very (very) important; after seeing patients in need of liver transplants in hospital and not being able to get matching transplants, I really had no excuse.So...

Become a donor

Wednesday 30 January 2008

Redistribute the Bricks

More doom and gloom predicted on the UK Plc horizon as an estimated 103 houses will be repossessed on average day in merry little England (I don’t think its going to be a big Feature on Location!, Location!, Location!). I remember the last time the Market developed these teething problems at the beginning of the 1990s; houses (i.e. people’s homes) were repossessed in the thousands every week whilst the Major government stood idle, many were subsequently made homeless and trapped in negative equity.

If housing repossessions are going to increase over the coming months then surely it’s the responsibility of a good government to underwrite the risk and buy back the repossessed houses at auction, with the objective aim to rent back to the previous owner-occupiers at cheaper affordable rents. Furthermore, Local authorities would not have to re-house homeless families into expensive private bedsits, thus insuring the social fabric of society remains, as the doom and gloom rumbles back over the horizon and jam tomorrows return again.

Of course, many of our continental cousins do not have to contend with these types of problems, because firstly they appreciate that a house is a home and not financial investment; secondly they also understand housing should be equally distributed across many different sectors, i.e. owner-occupiers, voluntary, private renting and (public sector).

Report a benefit fraudster

Thursday 24 January 2008

Bearded monkeys floating in space

According to public school educated Branson (the people’s billionaire and bearded wonder), the commercial expansion into space technology being pioneered by his Virgin Galactic could remove a whole wall which has previously prevented the private sector from investing into space technology.No doubt the (potential) snapping up by the Virgin group of Northern Rock which was recently rescued for the very good price of £25 billion sterling by the UK tax payer;will also go a long long way to help subsidise the removal of this apparent barrier of the free Market. Of course, when reading the article on the BBC website, the impression given is that this is a self subsidising project of the global rat pack at $200,000 dollars per ticket, per space flight! I wonder if there will be standing room next to the toilets? It Seems to be a concurrent theme when using various forms of virgin transport.

Report a benefit fraudster

Wednesday 23 January 2008

So I will never get a job writing for the Daily mail!

[rant]I just got back my first university essay and I got... 50%!! 50 b l o o d y p e r c e n t ! ! ! The shock, horror and the very jimmy cheek of it sir! I don’t do 50%!! I am a late 60% early 70% kinda guy!! The marker does not like my style of writing, apparently far to intangible? (Reader, tell them its not so!!) I know it’s just a silly little subjective mark, which in the larger picture of my studies is a tiny drop in the big blue wobbly ocean, but (it pains me) and yes it has bloodied my nose. However, The gloves are now off!! and I am ready for a fight!![/rant]

The subject is closed. On guard sir!!

Tuesday 22 January 2008

market melt down

The US markets have dropped 400+ points upon opening today; this has been an obvious turn of events. The main catalyst for this looming global recession is of course the US housing market and the accrued debt (from minimal government regulation) which has been exchanged and sold by US banks; metaphorically speaking in the context of scale, imagine standing upon a glassier that’s going into hyper de-freeze and you can understand the repercussion effects. Unfettered self regulating markets really are a nursery rhyme fiction of an idealistically blinded neo-liberal right; alas, this really has been the policy pursued in both the US and the UK post Reagan and Thatcher eras, and its coming home to roost.

My heart felt condolences goes out to those low income families in both the USA and the UK (and indeed many other places around the world), who were unfairly induced by the undue influence of the private financial lending sectors into entering unfair agreements which swallowed up six, seven, eight times your annual combined incomes over the next thirty five+ years of your working lives; therefore transferring the bulk of risk to those who really are the most vulnerable amongst us (indentured young mothers and fathers of the new century). Poverty! Life chances! Diminishing expectations as ratio of deprivation…generation upon generation, it’s a familiar pattern but not a pretty one.

The alternative could be a responsible form of government which intervenes to the benefit of its people who in turn empower the political apparatus of a nation state on the mandate of Universal suffrage, the Vote. Please excuse me for making radical suggestions, but it seems to me that human history has been flawed and confounded. How much we have been concerned in western democracies with the problem of containing political corruption through the separation of the apparatus of the nation state into the distinct executive, legislative and judicial powers, we have totally neglected in turn the real threat which has bypassed “our” nation states, economic corruption.

All intelligent life on earth has a moral responsibility to get the fu*k out of its ivory tower and start cracking the whip. This could be a good starting point …

The world social forum

Keep it real!

Tuesday 15 January 2008

very late new year message

2008!! Bang another number!! And the UK is still Bingeing but certainly not Booming!!Nye Bevan once noted when he was Minister of Housing “I could never see anything wrong in a person owning their own house, but as socialist, I could see much wrong in other people owning other peoples houses” or words to that effect. And yes I agree with Nye.

So my resolution for the New Year is to bring the UK housing market to its Knees, and if not that, then i will stop drinking very strong coffee.

Happy New Year!! (resistance is fertile)