Friday 1 February 2008

14,979,243 + 1 UK donor's

I Became a donor today...a bit of strange experience to think that my bodily organs might end up in another person one day; I always took it for granted that these limbs of mine would always be mine and of course the little wiggly worms in my grave; but this might not be the case anymore? I hope my hands are transplanted to a sexy lesbian super model; although knowing my unfortunate luck! I will most probably get half by brain transplanted into a lobotomised Tory.

It is a very un-ceremonial experience becoming an online donor; simply type in your name, address and just one tiny click of the mouse and you are whisked away to a “Thank You for becoming a donor webpage” with a picture of a leering Gary Liniker; Talk about an anticlimax to my altruistic deed for the day! Despite this, becoming a donor is actually very very (very) important; after seeing patients in need of liver transplants in hospital and not being able to get matching transplants, I really had no excuse.So...

Become a donor

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