Friday 18 July 2008

The problem with this country is....

That it is filled with people who write books about how to avoid paying property tax ...

And the people who buy these books and then write raving reviews on about their dishonest dealings...

its about time the gutter press (Daily Mail) stopped attacking people on low incomes who get small amounts of social security. And yet we always hear from chorus of middle class Twats whaling about how it's the people in the middle who PAYE for everyone else! Best not mention the tax breaks, free education and wonderful National Health Service the (old) middle classes of England have benefited from over the last 60 years! And still they do not like paying for these state subsidised services (anyone for some cake?)

Rearrange this phrase into a logical order...

troft! your snouts Pigs get out of the

As the following reviewer likes to articulate about her purchase of... "how to avoid property tax?"

This book really has been indispensable for us over the last few months. My husband and I made the decision last year to buy several properties, with the hope that eventually these would provide a good income when we retire. After seeking some advice we went ahead but neither of us knew much about the tax side of things.
How to Avoid Property Tax has helped us out on so many different matters, and must have saved us a fortune already in consultancy fees and tax. Particularly useful, I found, was the large amount of information explaining all the expenses we can claim against our tax - the list is huge.

Thankfully we have now got all our affairs under control, and running smoothly. We are considering venturing into commercial property to a limited extent, and again this book has proven hugely helpful.

It really does come very highly recommended, due to the wide range of tax issues covered and the high level of detail the author has crammed into each chapter. It is very well written and easy to understand - which is always good for people like me who have no prior experience in these matters!

Many Thanks

They have no honor…

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