Wednesday 27 May 2009

Is this the Blandest and most Non-Imaginative man in Milton Keynes?

I have had a good chuckle today (I will latter whip myself for penance) Reading the Guardian Articles by David Cameron on Progressive Conservatism – I thought at the very least he was a political researcher and might have some gravity on the ‘policy thing’, well I am comforted to find that ‘Progressive Conservatism’ has about as much whack as…

Yes plenty of sound bites in Mr Cameron’s speech; looks like we can expect ‘Massive Redistributions of Power’ as politicians and Whitehall officials are going to be whipped into place for the honest British public; And I thought he wanted to be elected into Government, but he might be running for editor chief at the Tory Telegraph? Hmm, I wonder if Mr Cameron has been watching the re-runs of ‘Yes Minister’ on TV Gold, because he sounds like Jim Hacker at the Ministry of Administrative Affairs, bloated and farcical.

And yes, we can also expect the ‘End of the State Monopoly on Education’ Ohh Goody Goody Gum drops! Obviously it is the mad neurotic parents obsessed with league tables who have a clear understanding on the issues involved in education and ergo should be making all of the important decisions, not some pragmatic and objective local government educationalist who might have both knowledge and many years of experience in these matters – am I going mad? Surely it is reasonable to any sane person (i.e. not parents obsessed with school league Tables)

Most parents actually don’t have a clue about education! In fact, Local Government should educating Parents how to be Parents; because Half of all cohabiting and married different sex couples (only have kids) because the other half of all cohabiting and married different sex couples are having kids! And they don’t want to feel missed out (its pathetic! and I do feel really sorry for kids today... how do they deal with parenting egos?) – well at least in the Victorian days…they sent them out to work ;)

Then (he) goes on to say… ‘ Any parent who isn't happy with the education their child is receiving can send their child to a new school ‘ – So Pushy Parents can knock their kids piller to post whilst they dabble with their fancy about what constitutes education? Excuse me, has anyone stopped to think how the kids might feel before they are ripped from their friends and peers and displaced into “any suitably qualified organization” what? like a Ronald McDonalds School Mr Cameron?

Viva La Reviotion!! Dark days ahead...

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