Friday 14 December 2007


This bogging lark could well become too addictive; a few hours into setting up my account and I find myself tapping away at my computer again ((I really don’t have the time at the moment… I just don’t)) but I feel an uncontrollable need to write about myself! Has my ego gone into hyper drive? This is strange coming from a person who is intensely private and proudly introvert. What could be the end product of this self indulgence? Will I dump my day job a few months from now? Wake up most days midday, wearing sunglasses when it is cloudy outside and address my peers as “man” and think everything is just cool whilst listening to that crazy Rock and Roll music?

No, a few rules I think…

1.Objective views of the world… my Blog will concern the current affairs and politics of the day; Sorry to disappoint, but no juicy personal or celeb gossip to be found in this house, just the wild grunting sounds of the leviathan political beastie! (Well more actually like the random mumbling sounds of a small marsupial creature with a wet pouch).

2.Intelligent Discourse…(looks up “discourse” in dictionary) yes intelligent discourse.

3.A leftwing Bias…

Q: why that’s unfair Sir! And you have already contradicted yourself since you are not being objective Sir!

Ans: Ohhh fuck off you fictional Tory ba*terd of my imagination!! Its my bloody Blog and I will say what I like, what do you think this is! Berkshire!!

Yes intelligent Discourse


Unknown said...

Haha!!! I love it!!!
When are you coming to visit?
Tara has got a lovely new haircut and she looks beeeeeeautiful.....of course she always looks fab.
Anyway give us a shout when you're around and we can hook up.
Lots of love
Ellen xxxx

Anonymous said...

Congratulations from Frank, Beijing, China.. Hope you havn't forget him yet^_^